The 8K animated film "Door Gods" premieres globally, innovatively interpreting the story of the door gods Qin Qiong and Yu Chi Gong

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Author: Wang Jinyue - Beijing Daily

October 28 is “World Animation Day”. The digital 8K animated short film “Door Gods” directed by Sun Lijun was released to the world in Beijing to pay tribute to the unique Chinese animation. This is the third film showcasing oriental aesthetics jointly launched by Beijing Film Academy, Digital Film and Television Animation Creation Engineering Center of the Ministry of Education, China Electronic Video Industry Association, and Beijing Shengshi Shunjing Culture Media Co., Ltd. after “Harvest” and “Li Qiu”. 8K animated video.


The 7-minute film uses Chinese New Year paintings as the main creative elements and art form, combines traditional culture and art such as Peking Opera, incorporates advanced animation digital technology and modern aesthetics, and innovatively interprets the story between the door gods Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong.

As early as the establishment of the project, Sun Lijun set the tone for the work, “based on the innovative inheritance of traditional culture, innovative design focusing on animation technology, and committed to the innovative dissemination of Chinese stories.”

In order to select the perfect real scene, the team traveled all over the streets and alleys of Beijing. After nearly a year, the team finally found the ideal real-life shooting scene, which was the courtyard where ordinary people lived. “Ultimately, in this work, we achieved the first collision of 8K real shooting and virtual animation, achieved an innovative integration of New Year paintings and Peking opera, and also achieved a breakthrough attempt to tell a new story.” said production director Chang Yubo.

Compared with “Harvest” and “Li Qiu”, “Door Gods” integrates the performance and rhythm of Peking Opera with New Year pictures for the first time. The strong sense of rhythm becomes an important element in promoting the development of the plot; it boldly attempts fixed scene design and puts the highlight on the plot. In terms of design and character expression, it creates a different viewing effect; technically, it attempts to combine reality and reality for the first time, using 8K real shooting as a turning point in the plot to bring the audience back to reality from the virtual plot of the animation, and as the finishing touch, it creates interesting collisions ending.

“China’s animation creation already has a completely independent and distinctive animation style with Chinese characteristics. We hope that through the release of “Door Gods”, we can further gather the strength of the industry and work together for the flourishing of Chinese animation.” Sun Lijun said. He said that in the future, he will continue to create around the organic integration of traditional culture and modern technology, and will also launch high-quality creations such as the 8K ink animation “Returning to Dusk” in the future.