The animated film Cat God was released on the Youku platform, with a speech by Professor Sun Lijun.
And a group photo of the main creative team.
read moreThe animated film Cat God was released on the Youku platform, with a speech by Professor Sun Lijun.
And a group photo of the main creative team.
read moreRecently, the first Beijing Audiovisual “Beijing Langya” talent selection and release ceremony was held at the opening ceremony of the Beijing International Audiovisual Conference. Professor Sun Lijun of the Beijing Film Academy was awarded the title of “Beijing Langya” leading talent.
Professor Sun Lijun is a leader in Chinese animation education in the new century. He founded the Animation School of the Beijing Film Academy and developed it into a world-leading higher animation education institution. He has made landmark demonstration plans and outstanding historical contributions to animation education in China and even the world.
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